Empirical Evidence

Under duress, a soul will say whatever they think you want to hear. Trust your own eyes.
- Kinetic
- Primary
- Craftable
- The Witch Queen Campaign

Heavy Burst
Fires a hard-hitting, two-round burst. Slightly reduces flinching from incoming fire while aiming.
- Impact: 5600
- Range: 5200
- Stability: 3300
- Handling: 3400
- Reload Speed: 2400
- Aim Assistance: 8600
- Zoom: 1200
- Airborne Effectiveness: 2100
- Rounds Per Minute: 32500
- Magazine: 2400
- Recoil Direction: 9800
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Barrel Column 1
Magazine Column 2
Trait Column 3
Trait Column 4
Origin Trait Column 5
Selected perk effects will appear here.

Under duress, a soul will say whatever they think you want to hear. Trust your own eyes.
- Kinetic
- Primary
- Craftable
- The Witch Queen Campaign

Heavy Burst
Fires a hard-hitting, two-round burst. Slightly reduces flinching from incoming fire while aiming.