VS Velocity Baton
Grenade Launcher

Archival|Pollux|Director|1421| From the office of Dr. Bray: Whoever's supplying our plasteel is incompetent. One more chamber leak and I'll sue. Get me a new contractor.
- Void
- Special
- Vesper's Host

Area Denial Frame
Burst fire Grenade Launcher. Each projectile creates a lingering pool on impact that deals damage over time.
- Blast Radius: 00
- Velocity: 00
- Stability: 00
- Handling: 00
- Reload Speed: 00
- Aim Assistance: 00
- Zoom: 00
- Airborne Effectiveness: 00
- Rounds Per Minute: 00
- Magazine: 00
- Recoil Direction: 00
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Archival|Pollux|Director|1421| From the office of Dr. Bray: Whoever's supplying our plasteel is incompetent. One more chamber leak and I'll sue. Get me a new contractor.
- Void
- Special
- Vesper's Host

Area Denial Frame
Burst fire Grenade Launcher. Each projectile creates a lingering pool on impact that deals damage over time.